The Rules for Picking Hot Tinder Photos (or any dating app)
In this social media age, it's all about your online image. There are people out there who know how to take a flattering shot, who know their angles almost too well. So well they look nothing like their true selves, in fact.
This isn't an article on how to catfish, or how to basically fool the world into thinking you're Jessica Biel or Jake Gyllenhaal.
These are our tips on how to pick out the best photos for your Tinder, Bumble, Grindr, or any dating app profile. Photos that portray the best version of (the real) you, for instance, confident, well-rounded and interesting sides of your personality!

You've probably seen plenty of articles on how to write the perfect Tinder bio. The everlasting debate around stating your height might come to mind. Should you divulge too much information? Should you go for a witty one-liner? Well here at Perfocal, we value photography. We think that the secret to a killer Tinder profile is in its photos, and some people could do with a helping hand.
Stuck with your Tinder photos? Hire a professional to help you get some amazing snaps.
There's a knack to it, surprisingly enough. The images we choose to represent ourselves on social media and online say a lot about who we are. For instance if you've chosen six different versions of similar selfies for your Tinder profile, you probably aren't going to come off as particularly interesting. If all six of your photos feature you with your ex, you're probably going to come off a bit obsessed.
Here are our tips on how to portray the best version of yourself in your Tinder photos:
1. Don't just pick selfies!
Sure, we understand. Nobody can take a better photo of you than, well, you. However, no matter how tempting it may be, don't just pick selfies for your Tinder photos! It makes you look super boring and shallow. Tinder gives you a small window to be as interesting as possible. You need to utilise your opportunity, that means making the best use of each photo. One selfie is OK, but make sure you include a nice variety of shots in your Tinder photos.
2. Find the perfect balance for body shots
It's daunting, but the straight truth is that people on Tinder are judging your looks. That means not only your face, but your body too. There's a fine balance with choosing a body pic. If you hide your body completely, you don't look self-confident. If you show off your rippling abs in every photo, you can look self-obsessed. The trick here is to choose just one picture that includes your body. If that means a top-off beach pic, then do it. If that means a full-body photo where you're glammed up for a night out, fantastic. If that means a candid shot where your torso is visible, that works too. If you're not massively confident in your body, just try not to make it totally obvious!
3. Show off a hobby
Again, Tinder is about making use of a small opportunity to sell yourself. You need to cram in as much information about yourself as possible, so using your Tinder photos to tell your story is perfect. Whatever your hobby might be, rock it in one of your photos. You might be an athlete (sport photos are always great), you may be a chess champion, amazing at crochet, or completely obsessed with dogs (dogs count as hobbies too, right?) Whatever it might be, having an interest or hobby is attractive. People might share your interest and take more of a liking to you for it, or they might picture themselves sharing the activity with you.
4. Work your angles
Whatever photos you choose, know which ones you look good in. You may have a great profile view, or a jawline to show off. Tip number 4 is simple; know what angles and looks work for you, and try to choose your most flattering pictures. (Rocket science, we know!)
5. Include friends, but not too many
We've all been there, swiping through Tinder when you come across a group photo of twelve guys. Which one is he?! Don't be that person. It's great to include a group photo or pictures with friends; it shows you're a sociable and friendly person. However, you do not want to make a prospective date have to work hard to figure out which person you are.
If you do include a group photo, make sure it includes no more than four or five people. Nobody wants to be scanning fifteen tiny faces to figure out who's who. Do not, I repeat, do not include more than one group photo. It's too confusing. Next.
6. Smile
You're not Edward Cullen. You're going to need to flash those teeth to show you're open and charming. Photos of you smiling and baring your teeth are going to show
Nobody wants to go on a date, or potentially be in a relationship with someone who can't (or won't) smile! Get those gnashers out!
7. Don't flex with a 'hot girl/guy'
A weird one, but people do it. Including a photo with your hottest guy-or-girl-friend does not make people fancy you more! It's a strange kind of mind game that just ends up being a huge no-no for many people. If you were considering a gal on Tinder who's first picture was her with a male supermodel, wouldn't you (on some level) feel like she was saying 'this is my expectation, don't swipe right unless you're this beautiful'. This point also includes exes. People don't like to see pictures of potential dates with a member of the opposite sex. Don't ask us why. They just don't.
8. Get fancy
Everyone likes to get dressed up for a night out or a big event. Likewise, everyone likes a girl in a beautiful dress or a guy in a well-fitting tux. You should try to include a photo of yourself dressed up to the nines to show Tinder-ers your potential and how you might, one day, look on their arm at an event (or even wedding).
9. Go outside
This one sounds stupid, but subliminally, including one picture of yourself outside makes you look a little bit more adventurous and interesting. Pictures of you only indoors will on a very deep level tell people that you don't go out much. Think about it, your Tinder photos are telling a story. Make a little bit of that story out-of-doors!
10. Leave out the filters
Nobody is looking to go out with a guy or girl with dog or panda ears! Snapchat filters are a no-go for dating profiles. Sorry folks.
11. Try out professional photography
If you've read this article and been thinking 'I don't have any photos of myself like that', you can try getting a professional to snap you looking your very best. You can now hire a professional portrait photographer from just £99 for an hour session.
You can be sure that a portrait photographer will capture your best angles, smiles and even your friends. Portrait photographers have the best lenses and kit that will flatter your mug far more than the tiny fish-eye iPhone lens.
It's not unheard of, either! Plenty of people nowadays opt for a pro photographer to help them look sharp in their headshots, dating profiles, and even their passport photos. It's reasonably priced enough, the same as a nice dinner in a restaurant, but with longer lasting results!

There's a few simple things to bear in mind when selecting photos for your dating profile: not too many selfies, not too many group shots, work your best features, show your bod (a bit), make sure to smile, go outdoors, get dressed up, and leave out the silly filters. You can also try getting a professional photographer to take some snaps.
Now get out there and start swiping! The most important thing is to be confident in yourself and your choices, but if you follow these tips you should be an absolute love magnet within hours.
Are you thinking about booking a portrait shoot with Perfocal? Great idea!
If you're going to have an enviable Instagram feed or Tinder photos, you can't rely on your best friend to capture your best angles at the drop of a hat. Sometimes life calls for a professional photographer to get you some selfies that will drop jaws. Luckily, Perfocal can find you such a pro at short notice and for a great price.
We guarantee quick and simple booking, an amazing professional photographer who will travel to you, and 48 hour photo delivery every time.
We do all this so you can have great shots of you looking your best.
Don't have any shots worthy of your Tinder profile? Try out a Perfocal photographer from as little as £99 today! We'll help you get those matches.
Want dating profile picture advice for guys? Check out our top 5 tips.