Tips for a Picture-Perfect Re-start into Dating

Putting yourself out there is never easy, especially if you've just been through a divorce, a rough break-up, or simply a COVID-induced period of isolation. If you're feeling nervous about jumping back into the dating scene or how to start your dating again, you're not alone! Vulnerability can be intimidating but, if you want to catch the eye of that special someone, you need to be yourself. Rather than recreating yourself in the form of an online personality, however, you need to figure out how to get your personality across so you can make an hones connection. Don't worry - it's easier than it sounds!
Here are a few simple tips to help you get ready to get back into the dating scene:
Make sure you're ready
It's been a a rough year, but it's never too late to start taking better care of yourself. Take a moment to check in with your mental and physical health - ask yourself whether you're really ready to give dating a go. Dust of those long-abandoned healthy habits or pick up a few new ones and do some good old-fashioned reflecting on your past relationships to decide what you're really looking for in a new partner.

Don't pressure yourself to fit into the cookie cutter mould of what you think others expect from you.It's all about being confident in yourself. There's nothing wrong with wanting to make an improvement here or there - just make sure you're doing it for the right reasons. So what if you have thinning hair - there are plenty of treatments available online and no one has to know! Looking to lose weight? Start an exercise routine and make an effort to eat better. You're in control!
Give your profile a makeover
Once you're feeling and looking your best, it's time to make sure your dating profile reflects it. Do a quick sweep of the dating apps you have downloaded and decide which one (or two) you want to focus on. Take the time to infuse your profile with personality and be honest about what you're looking for in a partner. It's also the perfect time to update your tinder or other dating profile pictures. No one wants to see you with an ex-partner or have to wonder which one is you in a series of group photos featuring the same three friends.

If you want to make an impression with your profile, go professional. The professional photographers at Perfocal are on stand-by, ready to deliver a hassle-free (and contact-free) photo shoot starting at just £99. Simply book online, enjoy your shoot, then view your edited photos online within 48 hours.
Take it slow
When you profile finally goes live, it can be nerve-wracking waiting for that first match. Before you jump headlong into the playing field, however, remember to take things slow. Take the time to get to know someone before deciding whether they're a good fit and, if they aren't, be honest about it (and kind). Do your best to be yourself so others can make the same decisions for themselves.

When it comes to the physical details of dating, proceed with a healthy dose of caution. Start with a virtual date to see if you click then graduate to a hike or an outdoor coffee date. Make sure to follow local regulations and talk about what you're both comfortable with. Ask the important questions when it comes to physical intimacy as well to make sure you're both staying safe.
Enjoy yourself
Above all, make sure you're having a good time! Don't put too much pressure on yourself or on every potential partner - leave space for an authentic experience. It may take some time for you to get your groove back, so be patient and try to live in the moment. Every connection you make may not be perfect, but there are always opportunities to learn and grow along the way. Take advantage of them!

No one can deny that 2020 has been a heck of a year and we could all use a little more joy in our lives. If you've decided you're ready to share your life with that special someone, don't let you worries stop you from getting out there. Follow the tips above to make your get back into the dating scene safe and successful, and don't forget to set up an SMS reminder for your date! You may just find "the one" when you least expect it!